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Stability Through Change

Allostasis, or stability through change, is a paradigm for gaining a more holistic and accurate understanding of how our brain-body system recovers, maintains and improves health. We integrate research about diurnal and circadian rhythms within the principles of allostasis. 

Nature teaches us how to be durable and flexible in tumultuous times,  how to nourish our roots, and grow in the power of community. 

Discussion, writing exercises, mindfulness and movement are used throughout the program related to the topics of self-care, burnout and resilience. 

Participants will:


  • Explore current challenges in their work and how we relate to suffering.

  • Build resilience, enhance well-being and learn practical skills to reduce burnout.

  • Integrate practical self-care skills with what we hold sacred to live more inspired each day.

Fall, 2020: (Jessica &  Andrea) TBA

May, 2020: Auburn, CA, Details TBA (Jessica & Kevin) This class is postponed.

March 30-April 4, 2020: Holden Village, Chelan, WA (Jessica) This class is postponed.

January 17-18, 2020: 1115 Combie Road, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (closed)

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