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PACE for Pain 

Patient Centered-Care  &  Physician Support


PACE for Pain is a workshop series that actively engages attendees in a deeper understanding of themselves and teaches coping skills to manage chronic pain, mood, and fatigue as well as improve daily function. Dr. Del Pozo created and implemented PACE in outpatient clinics such as Chapa-De Indian HealthShe has directed opioid safety programs, biofeedback clinics, and taught CE and CME courses for psychologists, nurses, and physicians.

Read about the benefits here.

What: A chronic pain management program that incorporates best practices and evidence-based coping skills 

How: By teaching coping and self-management skills to regulate central nervous system arousal and reduce systemic inflammation

Why: Long-term management of chronic conditions to increase functioning, reduce risk, and mitigate suffering

Who: Patients with chronic non-cancer non-terminal pain
PACE is a Cognitive-Behavioral and Mindfulness based program for patients with Chronic Non-Cancer Pain (CNCP). Each session helps patients:
  • Understand centralized pain and the biopsychosocial treatment approach
  • Identify beliefs that can keep patients trapped in a pain flare
  • Learn about factors that predict and impact pain
  • Practice coping skills to improve self-care
  • Implement gentle movements with body awareness
  • Utilize mindfulness techniques and diaphragmatic breathing
  • Identify individual coping strengths
  • Focus on core values and develop personal goals
  • Practice take home and writing exercises


Planning, Pacing, Practicing Pleasant events & Preventing flare-ups


Accepting, Adapting, and All-none thinking traps


Connecting, Communication, Cognitive resilience & Coping with flares-ups


Energizing & sleep, Exercise, Enjoyment & Environment

Opioid Education
Some patients taking daily opioids need more information about opioid medications before they are ready to reduce and refocus on long-term coping skills. Session “O” is a class offered separate from the PACE program and provides information about:
  • Background and history of opioids 
  • How opioids work and best uses
  • True health risks, impact on body and mind
  • Increased risks when used in combination with other substances
  • Withdrawal, tolerance, addiction, and opioid-induced hyperalgesia
  • Reduction options including rapid, moderate, or gradual tapers, benefits of non-daily use, chemical support, and detox
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